Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wetlands Considered

There is a place, a boundary really. It's a transitional environment between the land and the ocean, freshwater and salt. Like a thin ribbon running along an abrupt coastline, it provides protection for both. It is a nursery for fish before heading out to a life at sea, as well as a nesting area and respite for migratory and endangered shore and sea birds. 

For some, it is the singular environment in which they can thrive. Still for others, it is their last stand against extinction.

Coastal Wetlands provide protection to the land from ocean storms, while protecting the sea and filtering the run off from the activities of man, at its own peril. The encroachment into, and the draining of these sensitive habitats further endangers the already strained balance between land and sea.

While drawn to its solitude and beauty, we must remind ourselves of its sensitivity and importance to the wider health of the world around us, and indeed ourselves.

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